Thursday, December 30, 2010
cite dh BASI
mcm tajuk n3 tu
cite mmg dh BASi
tp tetap segar dlm ingatan
ni berlaku pd 9 disember 2010
mlm tu kami ade Sketch Competition aka Drama Comp utk stdn
so kami cikgu cikginye mcm biasa
tergedik2 mesti nk enterframe gak
nk gak CROWD ha ha ha
jom layan gambo
mlm tu
kami layan lagu La Is La Bonita
lin..bkn pandai pun ikut jek
ala2 miming he he he
gelek je lebih (ye ke MENGGELEK?)
tu baru warm UP
cite yg sebenonye
mlm tu kami MENARI
dgn diiringi lagu NOBODY by WONDER GIRLS

dgn pkai skirt labuh pun msh nk tergedik kt pentas tu
ms tu dh buang segala malu
mmg nk MENGGEDIK jek kt atas tu
sekali sekala buat keje gile
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Aquarius Yearly 2011 Horoscopes:
Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

The Aquarian is known as a likable, friendly character that others admire. One of the traits that draws others to you for advice and companionship is your honesty. You say it like it is but so it kindly. Plus, you’d never break a confidence just to dish on a secret.
my komen: tul pe...mmg lin ni bab disukai tu kene tgk gak kot...xkan la sume kt kite mentang2 la friendly hu hu hu
A popular person, part of your appeal is that desire for independence. This can make you seem elusive and mysterious at times, which can make others feel like they never truly know you. That’s okay, though. Even though others are drawn to you, you are comfortable walking your own path.
my komen: betul tu...lin ikut 'kepala sendiri' kdg2 hu hu hu...tang POPULAR tu...(popular ke?)
In the Aquarius 2011 yearly horoscope, it’s obvious that your interests lie in unraveling the mysteries of life. There are many people in the world and your interest lies in finding the ones who can talk out creative ideas. You don’t need other people the way they need you, which can cause conflict when it comes to personal relationships.
my komen: ha ha ha..personal relationships jd konflik? he he he..kdg2 mmg kene cari 'gu' utk berlawan ckp unfortunately en FENDY kdg2 xminat bende yg lin nk ajak dok borak n BERDISKUSI
In the year for Aquarius 2011, this conflict will not exist the way it may have in the past. The year is slated to be smooth sailing for you, Aquarius, thanks to the interaction of the planets. Get ready for a peaceful year where the fruits of your previous labors will start to come together.
my komen: insyaallah lin harap a better year plak tahun 2011...konflik tu LESS please
Aquarius in 2011
Aquarius 2011 Career and Income Horoscope
In the Aquarius 2011 yearly horoscope, this is the year of past labor resulting in fruition. The tree will not sprout up into a majestic oak this year, but the sapling will poke out of the ground. The endeavor you have working for will start to come to life or die altogether. Either way, there is the certainly of closure. If old projects fade away, it just leaves the landscape fresh for new adventures. Start new projects at the end of Spring or get ready to nurture the one that has just begun to grow.
Remember, weeds can kill what you are trying to grow. Neptune still hovers in your house of money this year. Out with the old, in with the new. Close out lingering debts, difficulties and problems to make way for future productivity.
my komen: ho ho ho harap2 nye kerjaya lbh berkembang arr
Aquarius 2011 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope
This is the year for new awakenings. Often, the Aquarian avoids romantic or intimate relationships on a long term level in favor of independence. Thanks to the movement of Neptune in the Aquarius 2011 yearly horoscope, your sensitive nature will long for the life lessons a commitment to love can bring. This means that the relationships you already foster will grow more deep and meaningful. Venus will encourage you to feast on pleasure, within this new form of intimacy. Come fall, the ability to open your heart to forever is strong. Do not be afraid to take risks with your heart during this time, Aquarius. It might be uncomfortable to open yourself to the probing interests of another but it’s time. Your peaceful nature this year will aid in your ability to achieve this transition into togetherness.
my komen: ye ke aquarian suke avoid romantic stuff?
Aquarius 2011 Education and Traveling Horoscope
Your desire for learning remains strong in the Aquarius 2011 yearly horoscope. However, with the input of Neptune, you fear the ability to sustain the resources to explore and learn without an immediate reward. As the Aquarius 2011 yearly horoscope is the year of building towards success, take it slow. Travel simply. Explore the world simply. Take each day simply. Your ability to appreciate the finer aspects of knowledge will fill your life with riches.
my komen: tul la..lin nk sambung buat tu la..msh dlm perancangan hu hu hu
Aquarius 2011 Health Horoscope
A peaceful mind equals a peaceful body. As your world begins to even itself out, you will feel the effects of your energy returning. You will feel a direct correlation between vitality and internal progress. Allow this health to fill you, continuing to build on what’s working and removing what is not. There is no room for worry for Aquarius 2011, as the peaceful state of your mind will not tolerate such a distraction.
my komen: semoga sihat selalu insyaallah. DO NOT STRESS ME PLEASE
budak 2 org ni
ms si ibu g dinner kelab pensyarah
kami check in skali
ceh..dok pilah check in kt seremban (sile gelak2)
so kire si ayah n si ibu mengambil kesempatan
berHONEY MOON dgn kehadiran ank2
ha ha ha
jom layan pic
ni kt kolam renang utk kanak2
sgt cetek ok!

yg ni plak ms dh check out
kt lobby
bdk2 ni heboh nk gambo dgn SANTA

bangun pagi
bole plak BANGUN AWAL
smlm pun dia bangun awl
siap tpon si ibu pd jam 6.30pg
heran bin ajaib
klu kt umah
punye la LIAT...
ikram plak jd terbalik
kt umah sng jek nk bangun pg
kejut terus bangun capai towel g mandi
ni kt umah atok
masih TDO
mlm td call
syaza ckp
"adik kene minyak panas...dia kacau mak dik (my lil sis) msk burger"
cian dia
tu la agaknye dia xmenyaba agaknye nk mkn burger
ha dh terkena minyak panas
atok plak report
"sket jek kene, 2 - 3 percik jek, nangis sekejap, dh tdo pun"
alahai bdk2 ni
nape la buat ati tok n nenek diorg ssh
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
bile jauh dirindu
ha ha ha
tu le gamaknye bile dh POS bdk 2 org nih balik jb
sbb ari ni mmg dh plan patutnye ade di jb
tp en FENDY kensel kn program nye ditunda pada weken akn dtg
jd si ibu ni bersusah payah
menDRIVE dr pilah ke Terminal 1
parking kete dh le PENUH
tingkat 9 baru ade kosong
park dkt dgn lif nye area sbb dh tau akn balik belah mlm
terus amik tiket ke JB
kul 12.30tgh hari td
sampai JB kul 4.45
lepas dok umah dlm 1 jam
terus jek nek bas balik ke Seremban smule
jam 6.15 ptg
mmg niat nk POS je kn hu hu hu
so mana bole ber OVER NIGHT kt JB
sok pg keje mcm biasa
tp br jek xsampai 2 jam dok umah
dh rs sunyi la...
xde org nk tlg cabut uban ms si ibu tgh dok berBLOGging
xde org nk tolong pijak2 bdn ibu
ha ha ha
dekat gaduh2 dgn ank2
Sunday, December 26, 2010
jom layan gambo la...
msh penat after men badminton n work out dlm umah

me @ 74.5kg pd ari ni

tp baru buat 2 sesi..
cdgn kene buat 4-5 sesi dlm 1 minggu
larat ke?
kene larat kata nak kurus n SIHAT
xmo sakit lutut dah
ruangan yg sempit dgn diperhatikan ank2
lin BELASAH jek
janji berpeluh
n ade gak workout
en FENDy nye berat ari ni 86.7kg
so beza berat kami berdua:
12.2 kg
jgn minggu depan nek berat sudah la..
sbb minggu depan perancangannye akn balik ke jb
Timbangan SNTN 4

rs nye mcm xcaya jek tgk timbangan tu
timbang 3 kali br le percaya
sbb 2/3 cuba timbang berat jadi 74.5kg
dan 1/3 cuba timbang berat jadi 74.6kg
74.5 kg ye puan2
alhamdulillah penurunan lagi
walau pun Ms P menjelma
tp en FENDY komplen bile isterinye join contest2 seumpama ini
dia akan KELAPARAN
sbb si isteri msk2 simpe2 jek
no more kuih muih
no more buat kek bebagai
no more brg2 mknn utk ngonye2
ok la
nk sign off dlu chow
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Yg terjadi kan tetap terjadi
ari ni kete lin kene langgo hu hu hu
w/pun kite dh berati2
nk buek camno
anto bengkel je la...

kejadian: pg td dlm kul 8
tempat kejadian: foyer kolej
kete yg langgar: Proton Saga Megavalve (ala..kete lama la...)
pemandu: pompuan
sian dia nk kene bayo upah ketuk
ptg nnt br nk bwk g bengkel
di ms yg sama
kt tmpt parking fav lin pun ade kejadian xciden gak
sebiji kete honda transisi AUTO
mengalami kemalang lg teruk dr lin
DISEBABKAN accelarator pedal tu
xmo nek ke ats as usual w/pun dh xinjak pedal tu lagi
jd kete itu telah MENGAUM ke depan dan melanggar pokok2 di kawasan parking
MEREBEH ke bawah
malangnye xsempat nk amik gambo
sbb br jek TOW TRUCK dtg amik kete HONDA tu
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
terjumpa.... DIET AB nye artikel...
xingat la mana dpt sumber bacaan ni
tp yg bestnye
ade info yg berguna sbb lin ni DARAH AB
org kata DARAH AB ni drh KEDEKUT
sbb nk menderma kt org len cuma sesama AB jek
melambak bole masuk hu hu hu
Pola makan pemilik golongan darah AB adalah gabungan antara pola makan golongan darah jenis A dan B. Penyakit yang berisiko dijangkiti adalah sinus, infeksi telinga, dan gangguan saluran pernafasan.
Pengambilan jenis makanan yang dianjurkan adalah hidangan laut, semua jenis telur (kecuali telur itik), susu fermentasi (melalui proses penapaian), minyak zaitun, minyak kacang soya, minyak kacang tanah, kacang tanah, semua jenis sayuran kecuali jagung, taugeh dan cendawan dan semua jenis buah-buahan kecuali jeruk. Golongan daripada jenis darah ini, harus menghadkan pengambilan daging lembu, udang dan ikan laut, susu dan semua produk susu serta daging yang diproses. Makanan berasaskan kekacang pula perlu diambil dalam kuantiti sedikit. Kurangkan pengambilan berasaskan gandum seperti roti, kek, kuih-muih dan pasta.
Ciri khas individu jenis darah AB:
• Memiliki sistem pencernaan yang sensitif
• Disarankan untuk mengambil makanan dalam kuantiti sedikit tetapi kerap
• Untuk lebih bertenaga olahraga pada setiap pagi digalakkan
Menu diet yang dianjurkan:
Sarapan : Air limau nipis, jus anggur, roti dua potong beserta satu potong keju
Snek : Yogurt
Makan Tengahari : Dada ayam empat hirisan, salad, dua biji buah plum dan teh herba
Snek: Kek keju dan teh herba
Makan Malam : Omelet dan salad buah serta kopi
Monday, December 20, 2010
our dinner
kami g Dinner Kelab Pensyarah bertempat di Royale Bintang Seremban
mkn mlm tu...sgt mengecewakan
nasib bek la kn hu hu hu
klu x ade yg mkn lebih mlm tu

yg ni unit BI jek
yg xdtg Jacq sbb maternity leave
Rizal (xtau mana mamat ni MIA)
Wana (FIL balik dr mekah)
our food
sama jek kt meja VVIP ni cuma kami sume buffet diorg serve kt table

yg mamat 2 org ni VVIP gak..Pengerusi Kelab Pensyarah sebelah kiri
Pengerusi Kelab KESBA (Kelab Staf Bkn Akademik) sebelah kanan
our food:
nasi (but i don't eat okay)
fish fillet n sos thai
ayam masala
lamb rosemary (klu x silap la..)
yg lin nmpk n MAKAN
puding manggo
kek (ntah kek ape xtau la...)
ulam2: yg ade
kacang panjang (yg dh pendek)
kerabu mangga (lgsg xsedap)
sambal belacan
sirap selasih
coffe (lin mmg suke minum coffe klu kt hotel TAPI KALI NIX MINUM...SYABAS)
SKYJUICE punye laha susah nk dpt kt hotel ni.....
kering tekak
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
update menu 13th day SNTN
air masak 800ml
8.00 - 1.00pm
telor rebus 2 bj (0.8g carb)
ayam KFC 2 ketul
air masak 1000ml
1.00 - 9.30pm
air masak 1900ml
satay 10 cucuk+2 mangkuk sambal kacang
air masak 400ml
Sunday, December 12, 2010
info kismis
The following nutrition information is for one serving of raisins. That would be about one small box of raisins, or 43 grams. This general information is for seedless raisins.
Water: 6.63 g
Calories: 129
Protein: 1.32 g
Carbohydrates: 34.05 g
Fiber: 1.6 g
Sugars: 25.45 g
hu hu hu
so maknanye xle lah lin mkn kismis sbg bahan kudapan sbb carb tinggi
gula pun mak oi....bole tahan
update menu 12th day SNTN
air masak 1200ml
telor rebus+sambal kicap 3bj (1.2g)
air masak 400ml
12.00 - 2.30pm
air masak 800ml
kari kambing (dr kenduri umh jiran mlm td)
2.30 - 9.00pm
air masak 1600ml
9.00 - 11.30pm
air masak 400ml
satay 1 cucuk+kuah sambal kacang
telor bungkus
air masak 400ml

ni ms jd marshal pd ari smlm
ada Amazing Race utk pensyarah2 KMNS
ada 10 grup n 10 marshal
tugas marshal senang jek...
folo diorg yg race dlm kete
utk pastikan diorg ni xlanggar undang2 dlm race
1 grup ade 3 org
tp ade 10 grup n check point / station cume ade 9
maka kaedahnye
mmg la cepat jek org buat tugasan di ssetiap station
n after that menang...
ni grup yg lin tlg jaga

kecuali syah (yg baju kotek2)
dia station master
tp nasib x menyebelahi grup BIZZ PEOPLE
diorg br jek complete 8th task dkt 8th station dh kene panggil balik
sbb dh de pemenang
xpe arr en amdan, en jef n fadzil
next year cuba lagi
timbangan SNTN 2
presenting my berat pd pagi ni

despite of mkn bnyk2
berat turun sket w/pun hanya 500g
ok la tu
tp dlm challenge mesti org nk tgk mata timbang
kt kolej ramai gak yg stat tegur
lin nmpk kecik sket
tu la klu ikut bacaan dr blog adik dzul
dia ckp diet ATKINS mmg xnmpk pengurangan dr segi mata timbangan
tetapi reducing dr segi size bdn
kot org yg tgk lin tu rabun kot?
Update Menu 11th day SNTN
pergh....ari smlm lin mkn BANYAK!!!
jom tgk
pg 6.00-11.45am
air masak 1600ml
ayam goreng+sambal 1 ketul
air masak 400ml
kuih batang buruk (ntah la....xkire mkn sbb boring dok dlm meeting hu hu hu)
11.45 - 1.15pm
air masak 800ml
sup kosong 2 mangkuk
ayam goreng 1 ketul
tomato 1 hirisan
daun salad
tembikai 4 potong
1.15 - 9.00pm
air masak 1000ml
pisang goreng 3 ketul
keledek goreng 2 ketul
air masak 400ml
tembikai 2 potong
kari kambing (xtau la brape senduk lin dh letak kt pinggan...sedap sgt)
kambing msk lomak dgn pisang (he he he...same jek xtau brape bnyk lin bedal)
ulam kacang botol+sambal belacan (ni pun mkn bnyk he he he...nk cover kunun)
update 10th day SNTN
air masak 1600ml
8.30 - 11.30am
tahu sumbat 1 kpg
daging burger 1 kpg
air masak
11.30 - 2.00pm
ayam msk sambal 1 ketul
sayur bayam goreng 1 senduk
air masak 400ml
2.00 - 7.00pm
air masak 900ml
rendang limpa 1 ketul
taufu fah+gula merah 1 sudu
yong tau fo+sos iringannye
7.00 - 12.30am
air masak 500ml
sup sayur 1 mangkuk (dh kul 12tghmlm tu...teman en FENDY mkn)
air masak 400ml
diet yg xmenentu sbb keje bnyk n xcukup waktu utk tgk diri sendiri,
nk update blog atau blogwalking mahupun berFB pun xsmpt hu hu hu
Friday, December 10, 2010
update menu 9th day SNTN
smlm ari yg bz
ari ni pun sama
sblm lin terlupa apa yg dh lin TELAN smlm
bek pg ni pagi2 lagi dh layan blog
walhal niatnye nk jengah resepi jek
nk buat srpn buat ank2 yg dok berdua kt umah
sementara si ibu g bekerja hu hu hu
moh tgk:
pg 5.30 - 9.00am
air masak 1200ml
Punye lah bz sampai xsempat nk minum air masak
perit tekak
dh le smlm kene keje sampai mlm
ade Sketch Competition utk stdn hu hu hu
ari ni pun bz gak
tp xmo xminum air
nnt kulit lin kering esp kt tepi bibir
dh nnt perit
nk nganga mulut pun xbole
9.00 - 1.00pm
telur dadar + cili api + bwg merah (0.8g carb)
cheese i kpg (0.7g)
1.00 - 4.30pm
air masak 500ml
4.30 - 6.30pm
air msak 400ml
vadei 3 kpg (jgn tanya brape mkn ikut nafsu)
6.30 - 1.00 am
air masak 500 ml
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
info tauhu/tofu/beancurd
ni lin cari bkn setakat nk share
tp sbb lin nk mkn dgn cara yg selamat
(perghhhh nk sedapkan tekak jek kejenye)
tauhu / tofu/ beancurd ape2 je la
berat dlm g utk CARB ok
100g = 2g (hu hu hu sgt hepi)
1 ounce / 28g = 0g
1/2 cup / 126g = 2g (erk nape sama dgn 100g ek?)
1/4 blog / 81g = 1g
1/5 blog / 91g = 2g
update menu 8th day SNTN
air masak 400ml
telor rebus 2 bj (1.8g carb)
air masak 400ml
tahu sumbat 1 kpg + sambal kacang pergh sedap
air masak 1200ml
1.00 - 7.00pm
air masak 400ml
ikan goreng 1 ekor
tempe goreng 2 kpg (3.6g carb)
telor dadar 1 bj (0.4g crab)+lada api+garam+bawang merah
sambal kicap
air masak 650ml
7.00 - terkini
air masak 400ml
sup sayur 1 mangkuk
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
update menu 7th day SNTN
air masak 1200ml
telor rebus 1bj (0.4g carb)
tempe 2 kpg (3.6g carb)
sambal kicap
air masak 1200ml
ms bfes dgn tempe+telor rebus+sambal kicap
lin kene gelak dgn en FENDY
sbb mkn tu jek
sdgkn diorg 3 branak mkn NASI GORENG hu hu hu
air masak 400ml
ayam goreng 2kpg
sayur kangkung
air masak 1700ml
7.00- terkini
air masak 400ml
ayam goreng 2 kpg
sambal kicap
Monday, December 06, 2010
terima kasih YAB
ari ni sgt gembira
penutup hijrah lin pd tahun 1431 sgt bermakna
YAB Dato' Seri Utama Hj Muhammad bin Hj Hasan
sudi dtg ke

bual bicara cendekia di kolej kami pd ari ni

sudi plak sign autograph kt buku program sy he he he

bergambar bersama2
beliau seorg yg sgt merendahkan diri
sanggup plak membatalkan acara len
sbb nk luangkn lebih bnyk waktu bersama kami semua
warga kolej matrikulasi negeri sembilan
mkn2 nye gambo?
xsempat nk amik
sbb bz nk amik gambo dgn MB he he he
tp yg sy pasti kt meja tu ade:
bubur kacang (lin mkn 4 senduk)
apam Johol (2 bj)
bihun goreng (xmkn pun)
air teh o (xminum pun)
air teh keroh (xminum pun)
air mineral (yg ni minum 1 botol)
update menu 6th day SNTN
air masak 1600ml
telor rebus 1 bj (0.4g carb)
air masak 1600ml
tghari 12.00 - 2.00ptg

telor rebus 1bj (0.4g carb)
sayur bak choy goreng (beli jek)
tempe 2 kpg berat 40g (3.6g carb)
sambal kicap
korg mesti tanya kn
camne plak ble dpt 3.6g utk tempe tu
2 kpg tempe tu lin timbang dlu
jd beratnye 40g
ingat lagi info tempe?
100g tempe = 9g carb
so lin buat kire2 la: 40/100 X 9g = 3.6g carb
ptg 2.00 - 6.30ptg
air masak 1800ml
kuih apam johol 2 bj (xtahu carb brape n manis)
bubur kacang hijau 4 senduk (xtahu ade carb ke x, tapi manis la...)
mlm 6.30 - terkini
baru minum air masak 500ml
Sunday, December 05, 2010
timbangan SNTN 1 & update menu 5th day SNTN
hu hu hu
klu la lebih berdisplin dgn diet Atkins
mgkn result lbh bagus AGAKnye la...
pg (6.00 - 9.30pg)
air masak 800ml
sardin puff 1 1/2 bj (1 bj = 16g carb hu hu hu)
roti naan (ni blm cek lg carb mmg cnfm high carbkn)
kari daging cincang (ala....tetel) 1 mangkuk
telor goreng 1 bj
air masak 400ml
tghari (1.30-3.30pm)
papadom (ntah xingat brape keping sumbat dlm perut)
sambal goreng (ada kentang, tempe, soo hon, tahu kering)
kari ayam (xkire la brape ketul sbb ayam nye potong kecik2 mcm msk tomyam kt kedai)
air masak 1000ml
mlm (7.30 - terkini)
air masak 800ml
chicken chop + kentang goreng (tolong habiskan ikram punye hu hu hu)
fish n chip
air masak 400ml
diet ATKINS non hado hu hu hu
kene isytihar
no diet Atkins pd hari en FENDY balik umah hu hu hu
dia merosakkan diet kite
Saturday, December 04, 2010

ihsan en google
tu la
org slalu ckp klu nk pandai mkn la tempe
ade gak org ckp
tempe ni sinonim dgn org jawa
tp ari ni nk share info tentang tempe
tempe ni bnyk protein
tp rupenye selain dr protein
dia gak HIGH CARB hu hu hu
klu 1 serving 100g = 9g
klu 1 serving 1 once @ 28g = 3g
klu 1 serving 166g @ 1 cup = 16 g
kt fridge ade tempe
rs mcm nk goreng n mkn cecah SAMBAL KICAP
perghhhhhhhhhh sedap.....
tp td dh amik CARB sebanyak 1.9g
haruskah lin mkn tempe itu...
td dh timbang (ceh valid ke)
1 peket tempe yg ade kt dlm fridge tu berat nye 128g mkn the whole peket
lin akn amik +- 12g CARB hu hu hu
so, klu mkn gak
maknanye 1.99 + 12 g
jd +- 14g
masih di bawah 20g
xpe arrr
dh mlm sgt
so esok je la lin mkn tempe tu.....
perghhhhhh kecur air liur mengingatkan tempe tu
update menu 4th day SNTN
air masak 1600ml
telor dadar 2 bj + tauge + garam sket + cili api + bawang (tp mkn 1/4 jek)
cheese 1 kpg
9.00 - 1.00pm
BELEN telo 3/4
air masak 1600ml
tghari (1.00 - 4.30pm)
ayam goreng balckpepper 3 ketul size sederhana (tp share dgn ank2 n en FENDY)
air masak 800ml
KEK LAPIS (sebesar 1 ruas jari kelingking lin hu hu hu)
ptg (4.30 - 7.oopm)
air masak 800ml
mlm (7.00 - terkini)
telor rebus 1 bj
air masak 800ml
telo 3 bj (1.2g)
cheese 1 kpg (0.7 g)
ayam 3 ketul
KEK LAPIS (sket jek...)
air masak 5600ml
kdg2 nk tdo lin msh bole minum lg 800ml kurang2
tp siap arrrrrrrrrr tgh mlm bangun nk terkucil hu hu hu
Friday, December 03, 2010
update menu 3rd day SNTN
air masak 800ml
telor dadar 1bj + kucai + garam sket + taugeh + cheese 1 kpg
air masak 1600ml
tghari 12 - 4.30pm
daging black pepper + 2 bj telor dadar + kucai + garam sket + taugeh + cheese 1 kpg
air masak 500 ml
petang 4.30 - 7.30pm
kentang goreng
satey daging 8 cucuk + satey ayam 11 cucuk
bersama2 2 mangkuk sambal kacang
air masak 400ml
mlm 7.30 - tekini
air masak 800ml
telor dadar 3 bj
cheese 2 kpg
a lot of daging black pepper
satey 19 cucuk + sambal kacang
kentang goreng
air masak 4100ml
CARB lbh dr 20gm
pantang Diet ATKINS
elakkn KENTANG
elak GULA
kentang tu carb sedia ade jek mmg bnyk
sambal KACANG pun carb bnyk
satey itu manis = GULA
sgt sedap erkkkkkkkk
jgn marah ha...
korg nk kutuk? sile kn
at least lin jujur bg tahu hu hu hu
(ayat sedapkan ati sebelum kene kutuk)
akn lebih berdisplin
Thursday, December 02, 2010
update menu 2nd day SNTN
ari ni kire 1st day cuba diet ATKINS setelah mengusha blog adik dzul ni
nk tahu lbh lanjut baca dr bab 1 tau di sini
thanx bai sbb bg aku website adik ni
pg (ni dr stat dr 6.00am - 1pm)
air masak 1600ml
telor rebus 1bj (0.4g carb)
air masak 800ml
ayam goreng 1 ketul
air masak 800ml
tghari 1pm - 3pm
air masak 800ml
telor rebus 1bj (0.4g carb)
air masak 800ml
petang 3pm - 7pm
ayam goreng 1 ketul
air masak 800ml
mlm 7pm - t'kini
air masak 800ml
telor rebus 1 bj (0.4g carb)
so air masak: 5600ml
telor rebus 3bj (1.2g)
ayam goreng 2 ketul
update menu 1st day SNTN
1st day lin dlm SNTN
air suam 400ml
pg HiLO Strawberi 200ml
cekodok pisang (ada la 20 ketul dr kul 8.45 - 12 tghari)
milo FUZE 1 mug
milo FUZE + OAT 3 in 1 ORI (1 mug)
air suam 400ml
ptg (lapar tahap gaban)
air suam 200ml
maggi goreng 1/2 pinggan kot
bergedel 1 ketul
fishball 1 ketul
air suam 500ml
teh tarik 1 mug
kue tiau hongkong 1 pinggan
air suam 1000ml
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
as promise...
ini org aah
dh nk posing nye pasal dh xkire sudut
men hentam jek amik

dgn mesin photostate pun mahu ajak amik gambo
jgn xtahu
sy ni
mak angkat mesin photostate ni
klu rosak ke
klu paper jam ke
sy la tukang fix nye (yg mana tahu jek)
ni gambo pg td
n yg ni plak
my berat yg mmg berat la....