
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Story Telling

slm ari rabu
minggu yg sibuk
sbb tetiba jek kene ubah jadual utk Story Telling Presentataion
stress for both teacher n her students

tp lin nk ucap BRAVO to the stdn
yg berjaya buat presentataion diorg very interesting eventhough
allocation tme utk diorg sgt la suntuk...

camne x suntuk

nek cuti ry cina
diorg dh kene submit story sblm presentation
lps tu dh bg tau kene present start 14.2
teti be lin ubah jadual kpd 21.2 supaya diorg ade bnyk ms utk prepare
sabtu 12.2 dpt tau
pihak Bahagian Matrikulasi ubah tarikh submission markah dlm sistem
nk dicepatkan pd 21.2 the latest
nk x nk
bdk2 ni kene psh utk buat presentation before 21.2
sbb ade 4 kelas dgn jumlah 38 presentation
terpakasa ubah tarikh smula dr 21.2 kepada 14. 2

sekali lg
tahniah utk diorg yg berjaya melepasi rintangan stress tu...
jom lyn pic

syafiq yg terlupa skrip nye..asyik mengaum jek sbb totally forgot pe cite seterusnye...

akma n nabila
guna teknik wayang kulit
tp ada mslh utk handle karakter..(tgn xcepat)

suhaila n ayu
guna teknik bercerita dgn gambo...cute jek

ni yasser...jadi bercerita

yg ni...
biasak arrr
tumpang gleme bdk2 punye keje...


  1. hahahah cantik2 nukilan org stress nie :))

  2. best ler dpt lecturer cam lin..mesti sempoi jer kan..student pun x gabra sgt.

  3. cik jue: kdg2 mmg sekali sekala kene mrh gak diorg ni...time tu mmg kecut perut la bdk2...

  4. wah interesting tgk hasil student nye keja kan kak?

  5. he he he bdk2 yg dh bole jd mak org...kene la interesting kn...diorg dh beso dh bole fk....
